Bhagat Singh formed a small group of three members, namely, he himself, Sukhdeva and Bijoy Kumar Sinha, which began to think as to how best to realize the aims of their party by utilizing this very trial. They determined that the whole proceedings should be so conducted as to best serve to propagate their ideas, aims, objects and methods.
Man acts only when he is sure of the justness of his action, as we threw the bomb in the Legislative Assembly.
~ Bhagat Singh Quotes

One memorable event in the course of the trial in the Magistrate's court was the attempt to handcuff the prisoners in the court. Bhagat, Singh and others at once determined that, come what may, they would never attend the court unless the order was rescinded. The police authorities after succumbing to all torturous methods submitted a report, to which the jail authorities concurred, that it is possible to beat the revolutionaries and even kill them, but it was not possible to bring them to court. As a result, the Magistrate had to rescind his order. crushing individuals, they cannot kill ideas.
~ Bhagat Singh Quotes

Read more about the Lahore Conspiracy Case, click here.
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This one is very interesting...something different for M2MN