Vijay Anand, an Indian entrepreneur, passionate and driven by technologies related to the Mobile, VoIP, and Emerging Internet space, with a wide range of interests from simple economics to biotechnology and genetics, with a biased corner for anything related to artificial intelligence and neuro-science.
Putting words into action, he is the Founder of, the startup ecosystem body, and has been a driving force in being involved in community events such as Barcamp Chennai, Blogcamp, Wikicamp, Podworks, Open Coffee Club in Chennai and seeding such similar initiatives across the country.
Vijay strongly believes that it is the right mix of Technology, Business models, execution and timing that great companies are made of. As a revolutionary in heart, he seeks to change the global perception to India being much more than just an outsourcing destination.
He is also on-board a few companies and teams, providing strategic advice and consulting on Product Management, Strategy and Business Operations.
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